On this journey, I have made plenty of mistakes. The chief of which is TRUSTING THAT FUCKING PRINTER. I'm not even kidding this printer has given my partner and me nothing but trouble. Sometimes it just fucks up for no reason. But, that being said, I have managed to print two books. I have wasted so much paper and ink, so I have to order more. Right on the bookbinding. Yeah, that has been a whole thing all by itself. I bought the wrong things. I tried to be economical by buying some wood and some G-clamps. Below are some pictures of my first attempt.
As you can see it's not the best. The pages weren't in line, and some of the pages weren't even glued. I said to myself "Jamie you can't sell this." And I was right. back to the drawing board. So after a few minutes scouring Amazon and Etsy, I finally found one of these.
Now all the pages are in line. So yeah this is my book press. I now officially have one book made. 4 more to go.
But this has now opened up a new thing for me. I'm going to be making Dungeons and Dragons notebooks as I have all of the things I need, so at least there is that.
Anyhow, I'll let you guys know more once more has been done.
Tempus non-stat pro Homine.