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Writer's pictureJamie Langdon

Printer From Hell

Greetings Let me tell you about some of the issues I have been having (Nothing serious, Mostly amusing). Let us start where all good stories begin, at the beginning. This is a tale of False Confidence, Forgetfulness, Three Cartridges, Two Reams of Paper and an Evil Machine. (For real do you remember that episode of How I Met Your Mother where Marshel runs to beat the machine? It's like that but with a printer.) It started out easy enough Print double-sided like a book so I can bind it and send it. 'Jamie!' I hear you say ' that's not that hard. Surely you got this.' Well, I am here to tell you I most certainly did not have it. As most of you know I have a shitty brain that, on one hand, has created this wonderful book and on the other is a SCATTER BRAINED WEIRDO WHO CAN'T AND WON'T BEABLETOFLIPTHISFUCKINGPAPERON THE FUCKING SHORT EDGE SO THE FUCKING WORDS ARE BACKWARDS AND NOT IN THE CORRECT FUCKING ORDER AND I JUST FUC...... ... ... ./.. (Hi this rant goes on for a while but basically, due to Jamie having a whole host of mental illness he couldn't do this simple task and has gotten someone else to do it as in his partner who, while they hate technology, are a wizard with printers. Love Future Jamie) Now during this printing fiasco, the printer ran out of ink during a print. We didn't realise you can't change in mid-print. Yes, even when the flip needed to be done. Oh and then IFUCKEDUPTHEFUCKINGFLIPAAGAIN... .... ..... (Please see the above parenthesis) Now Back with the printer. During one of the failed prints I noticed that chapter 12 was floating by itself, when I bound my first book there were two chapter 12s I thought it was that. It wasn't. It turned out that I had loaded a different one and had sent Erin (My editor) the wrong one. Anyway, The books are coming including Chapter 12. Anyway Love you all Jamie Tempus Non-Stat Pro Homine/

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