So, as of writing, I have hit 21,000 words. I won't lie it's a far cry from where I should be, that being said it's still 21,000 words more than I had at the beginning. As we head towards the end of Nano I have to say this has been such a fun experience, stressful sure, but still fun.
I love writing these characters even when I find myself in a block. The Present Minute is a huge story filled with espionage, war, and robots. To an extent I don't even know where this book is going. Clockwork: The Order of the Hour changed drastically from its original draft. I love writing and I love doing Nanowrimo.
So if you are a person who wants to write a book, Nanowrimo is a great place to start.
Tell your story and tell it well.
Tempus non-stat pro homine